Predictive factors for sperm retrieval rate of microscopic testicular sperm extraction in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia
sperm, non-obstructive azoospermia, male infertility, micro-TESEAbstract
In our study, we evaluated the predictive factors for sperm retrieval rate of micro-TESE in patients with NOA. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 175 patients with the diagnosis of NOA, who had undergone the micro-TESE operation in our institution between the dates of 2015 and 2022. Testicular volume, serum total testosterone, follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, prolactin levels of the patients and the genetic analyses results were evaluated. Patients characteristics and laboratory findings were compared in order to detect factors that effecting sperm retrieval. A total of 175 patients underwent micro-TESE. The mean duration of infertility was 5.73±4,8 years. While sperm were found in 124 (70.9%) of the cases, no sperm was found in 51 (29.1%) cases. A statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of age and body mass index (p: 0.042 and p: 0.02, respectively). Infertility duration, testicular volumes, smoking duration, previous varicocele and undescended testicular surgery, previous mumps, FSH, LH, Total Testosterone, Estradiol and Prolactin variables of sperm positive and negative groups were compared in terms of sperm retrieval success and there was no significant difference. Micro-TESE is an effective sperm retrieval procedure for patients with NOA. In our study older age and high BMI were significantly associated with the probability of successful sperm retrieval. There have been many studies exploring the predictive factors associated with successful sperm retrieval by micro-TESE in men with NOA, but no reliable predictive factor has yet been found that could provide sufficient information about the routine clinical application of micro-TESE.
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